You may well have heard all the buzz online about the attacks on WordPress security. Unfortunately this is no joke, and it needs to be taken very seriously, or all you've built could be hijacked or worse, lost to you.
You can buy security plugins . There are lots of safety plugins out there that promises security for your blog. One is called fix malware problem Scan. This plugin scans the system . It also updates the security so that the system can not be penetrated by new hackers.
Everything you've worked for will proceed with it, should the server of your site return. You will make no sales, get no traffic or signups to your website, until you get the site back up again and in short, you are out of business.
It's a WordPress plugin. They are drop dead easy to install, have all the functions you need for a job like this, and are relatively cheap, especially when compared to having to hire someone to get this done for you.
BACK UP your website regularly and keep a copy on your computer and off-site storage. Back For those who have a site. You spend a lot of money and time on your site, Read More Here don't skip this! Is BackupBuddy, no back up plugins, widgets, your files and database. Need to move your site this will do it in under a couple of minutes!
Don't use wp_ as a prefix for your own databases. Web hosting providers are removing that default but if yours doesn't, adjust wp_ to anything else but that.